Batten Kill Restoration Near Eagleville, New York
This project will implement stream restoration at five sites along the Batten Kill in New York using principles of fluvial geomorphology to enhance a total of 2 miles of stream for the purposes of: improving brook trout habitat, removing fish passage barriers, stabilizing and restoring streambanks and riparian areas, increasing large woody debris in the river system, providing demonstration projects for the community, and improving fishing access and recreational opportunities.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Brook Trout Restoration and Expansion in Garth Run, Virginia
This project will restore and improve stream and riparian habitat within a 2,357 foot project area located in the headwaters of Garth Run which was severely impacted by catastrophic flooding that occurred in 1995. Wild brook trout were extirpated as a result of habitat degradation which led to increased water temperatures and a lack of complex habitat. Brook trout were re-introduced in 2008 as part of Virginia's Conservation Strategy as the stream has begun to naturally heal itself. This project will restore 2.3 miles of brook trout habitat.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Copper Creek In-Stream Habitat Restoration Project
This project improved riparian zones, water quality, appropriate sediment flows and restoring physical habitat for multiple listed aquatic species in the Copper Creek watershed, within the Upper Tennessee River Basin. (Photo: The low water bridge that was removed and replaced with a new bridge that spans the river.)
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SARP Projects W2B
Crabtree Swamp Habitat Restoration
The restoration of Crabtree Swamp is an innovative, "first of its kind" project, in which a previously channelized drainage basin is being returned to a blackwater hardwood swamp in which the floodplain is being recreated via earthmoving and replanting into functional habitat for fish, invertebrates and other wildlife. To match resources, the restoration project has been subdivided into 10 reaches.
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SARP Projects W2B
Culvert Replacement and Instream Habitat Restoration on Indian Stream, New Hampshire
In 2006, an initial watershed based assessment of coldwater habitat conditions was completed by Trout Unlimited in the Upper Connecticut in New Hampshire and Vermont. In 2008, Trout Unlimited designated the Upper Connecticut as one if its Home Rivers Initiatives, the only one in New England. Trout Unlimited's assessment identified fish habitat problems through the watershed, including lack of riparian habitat, poor instream habitat diversity and complexity, and inadequate stream crossings. This project will initiate the first phase of a long term culvert removal and instream habitat program by replacing four high priority culverts and implementing instream woody habitat restorations in Indian Stream, starting on the East Branch. The culverts to be replaced are on four important brook trout nursery streams: Dry Creek, Johns Brook, Hidden Brook, and Alder Brook. The project will restore 3 miles of habitat on east branch, the largest tributary to Indian Stream.
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EBTJV Projects
Expanding Brook Trout in Willow Creek, Pennsylvania
This project will expand suitable habitat in Willow Creek located within Blandon, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Willow Creek is a coldwater fishery that supports one of the most productive wild brook trout populations in the state. This project will restore fish habitat and stream bank stabilization by implementing in-stream habitat enhancement devices in over 5000 feet of the creek. Additionally, over 6 acres of floodplain will be re-vegetated with native trees and shrubs. Local stocking efforts will be shifted to other nearby streams. The project also include an outreach component. Kiosks will be constructed to commemorate the effort and educate future generations. Pamphlets will be distributed to interested citizens.
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EBTJV Projects
Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation. This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.
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EBTJV Projects
Harpeth River Restoration
As part of a jointly funded project via the National Fish Passage Program, the totality of this project is removing a lowhead dam and restoring the immediate area to riffle/run habitat for the benefit of improved water quality and native fish habitat in the Harpeth River, TN.
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SARP Projects W2B
Hathaway Brook Dam Removal and Stream Restoration in MA
The primary goal of this project is to restore natural stream conditions and stream connectivity within Hathaway Brook, thereby enhancing habitat value for existing aquatic species. One barrier will be removed, restoring access to 3,000 feet of stream. The project will reestablish continuous flow and natural sediment transport regimes, and restore geomorphic processes within the channel.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Nashville crayfish Habitat Restoration on the Nashville Zoo Property
Mill Creek Watershed has been negatively affected by urbanization,resulting in increased sedimentation,reduced habitat quality, ultimately resulting in the Nashville crayfish being federally listed. This project will restore an unnamed tributary of Mill Creek by removing a barrier and restoring connectivity of the tributary.
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SARP Projects W2B