Dam on Wetmore Run
Looking upstream at the dam on Wetmore Run. No water is going over the spillway.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Removal of Two Dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed, Potter County, PA
Dam to be Removed on Hamant Brook in Massachusetts
Photo of the dam to be removed on Hamant Brook in Massachusetts.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
Dam to be removed on Thunder Brook in Massachusetts
Photo of the dam to be removed on Thunder Brook In Massachusetts.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Thunder Brook Dam Removal, Chesire, Massachusetts
Deep Brook Restoration and Monitoring Program, Connecticut
Deep Brook is a Class 1 Wild Trout Management Area, rare in Connecticut. It had been neglected and developed problems, including a declining population of native brook trout. For three years, TU and its broad partnership have worked to restore the in-stream, riparian and buffer habitat. Funding from this project will be used to implement a comprehensive water monitoring system, a critical component of the multi-year restoration effort in Deep Brook.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Enhancing Connectivity in the Ash-Black Rock Subbasin of the WB Narraguagus River, Maine
This project will replace two poorly functioning culverts with open bottom arch culverts to allow unhindered fish passage and restore overall ecological stream connectivity. Once complete, the project will open 4.3 miles of habitat from Ash Bog Stream to Black Rock Brook which flows to the West Branch of the Narraguagus River.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Fact Sheet for Lynn Camp Prong, Tennessee
Fact sheet for Lynn Camp Prong, Tennessee
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Lynn Camp Prong, Tennessee
Habitat Enhancement Project for Brook Trout in the Asaph Run Watershed, Pennsylvania
The Asaph Run watershed has a high recreational use potential and is a popular stream with wild trout anglers. The project is located entirely on state forest land, open to free, year-round public use. The watershed has excellent public access via a state forest road that parallels much of the stream. However, the close proximity of the road to the stream has also resulted in problems including stream bank erosion and habitat degradation. Degraded brook trout habitat will be rehabilitated throughout a 3 mile stream reach. The project will be a significant long-term benefit to the watershed through enhancement of adult brook trout habitat and stabilization of the stream banks.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation. This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Illegally Introduced Smelt in Big Wadleigh Pond Maine
Photo of the illegally introduced rainbow smelt in Big Wadleigh Pond in Maine.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Restoration of Native Charr in Big Wadleigh Pond Maine
Indian Stream Fish Habitat Restoration Project, New Hampshire
The goals of this project are to complete an aerial survey, conduct a detailed geomorphic and habitat assessment, and conduct riparian plantings on Indian Stream in New Hampshire. Restoration efforts will result in sustainable brook trout populations in Indian Stream and increased populations of brook trout in the mainstem of the Upper Connecticut River.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects