Stream Bank Restoration Program - Georgia SWCC and USFW Partners
The Cooperative Agreement for Stream Bank Restoration Program assists landowners through public-private partnerships by offering advice and funding for habitat projects on private lands that restore and protect wetlands and other wildlife habitat that might otherwise go unprotected. The funding for this cost-share initiative is provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Program to GSWCC and provides incentives to install practices that improve riparian buffers and repair and protect stream banks. Project applications are prioritized in order to address priority watersheds and to provide maximum benefit to the 63 species on Georgia’s Threatened & Endangered Species List.
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Landowner Resources
Wood is Good for Maryland Brook Trout
Brochure developed by MD DNR and MD Forest Service, to explain the benefits of riparian buffers and woody material to health of streams and brook trout.
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Landowner Resources
PA Stream Improvement Program
The Stream Improvement Program offers assistance by designing and constructing small projects to restore stream channels damaged by high water or flooding events and to stabilize streambanks affected by erosion at sites where there are imminent threats to the structural integrity of homes, businesses and industries. The primary objective of this program is to provide increased public safety on a smaller scale than the larger flood protection type projects and to reduce high sediment loads and prevent them from being transported downstream and re-depositing elsewhere. For additional information on the Stream Improvement Program, please contact Bill Kcenich at 717-783-0369.
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USDA Conservation Stewardship Program
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps agricultural producers maintain and improve their existing conservation systems and adopt additional conservation activities to address priority resources concerns. Participants earn CSP payments for conservation performance—the higher the performance, the higher the payment.
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USDA Conservation Innovation Grants
Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) offer matching-funds to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative approaches and technologies for conservation on agricultural lands.
Eligibility: CIG applications are accepted from state or local governments, federally recognized American Indian tribes, non-governmental organizations and individuals in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands areas.
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South Carolina Stream Bank Repair Program
Clemson’s Stream Bank Repair program addresses unhealthy stream banks that are suffering from erosion and instability. Workshops will provide insight on how watersheds function and will identify steps needed to stabilize and revegetate stream banks. The 2021 Stream Bank Repair manual will help homeowners and professionals choose practices that will prevent property loss, stabilize stream banks, and protect water quality. Actions include establishing a 3:1 or 4:1 bank slope and installing native vegetation in the riparian area , with the overall purpose of protecting water quality. Clemson’s Stream Bank Repair program works with homeowners, land managers, park staff, and landscape professionals to address unhealthy stream banks that are suffering from erosion and instability. Stream Bank Repair works above what is called the Ordinary High Water Mark.
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South Carolina Conservation Districts
Listing of SC Conservation Districts
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Connecticut conservation funding and technical assistance
A collection of links and information about cost-share programs, grants, technical assistance, and other resources for protecting and improving watersheds and in stream habitat in Connecticut.
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South Carolina: Be Septic Safe
Information for homeowners and homebuyers about septic tank maintenance, permitting, etc.
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SC Rainwater Harvesting Manual
Homeowner/community resource for construction and use of rain barrels and gardens. Rainwater harvesting is a tool that can be used to manage stormwater in new and established communities. This concept relies on cisterns or other containers to capture rainwater for reuse.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources