Friends of Winooski River completion report 2022
Friends of the Winooski River completed the removal of Camp Wihakowi Dam in Northfield, Vermont in October 2020. The circa 1920 dam was causing flooding upstream and sediment pollution downstream. Complete removal of the dam resulted in impressive gains: it reconnected 6 miles of Bull Run and an additional 21 miles of upstream habitat, allowed the stream to once again access the larger floodplain, and protected downstream habitat from the smothering effects of sedimentation. But of course, a dam removal project doesn't stop when the stone and concrete has been removed. To improve recovery and stabilization, project partners performed additional work on the pedestrian bridge, access road, and former pool area in 2021. Monitoring shows the river is free flowing, sediment transport has been naturalized, the restored floodplains are successfully vegetating, and habitat has been improved. According to EBTJV's calculations, the project brought an estimated $14.6M in socioeconomic benefits.
FOW_EBTJV Project Completion Report.docx
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