Bowman Creek, PA
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission removed an aging former ice dam in August 2017 that impounded the Mountain Springs Lake that was used for a recreational fishery. The impoundment was beyond repair and was an impedance to aquatic life traversing the South Branch Bowman Creek. Wild, naturally reproducing Eastern brook trout continue to spawn and use upstream and downstream areas of the watershed surrounding the drained Lake. The removal of the impoundment allowed the Luzerne Conservation District (LCD) to pursue a recommendation by the Stanley Cooper Chapter of Trout Unlimited board member, Dr. Joseph Simmons to restore the riparian areas along the former lake bottom. Stanley Cooper Chapter of Trout Unlimited has adopted the Bowman Creek Watershed as their focus waters for many years and were an integral part of this project. The LCD designed the species of trees and shrubs to be planted and assessed the number of each species based on soil analysis and hydrologic review of the riparian corridor along South Branch Bowman Creek. A total of 2,300 Linear Feet of South Branch Bowman Creek was planted with trees and shrubs including an approximate 35 feet buffer along both banks that required 2000 trees and shrubs. The goals were to accelerate riparian growth to reduce sunlight impacts to the coldwater eastern brook trout habitat, improve streambank stability and restore leaf litter to the stream for macroinvertebrate habitat. Additional concerns for Eastern brook trout were identified historically by the LCD since approximately the year 2000 due to the poor levels of alkalinity and acid deposition impacts within the headwaters of the Bowman Creek Watershed. Part of the request for funding included Limestone sand applications to improve water quality on the former Lake bottom.
20200330 - 2019 Final Report.pdf
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