Restoring habitat connectivity in Machias and Saint Croix River tributary streams, ME_FY11 Project
Through this project, Downeast Lakes Land Trust (DLLT) continued its work with partners to restore brook trout habitat on priority streams within its 55,678-acre Downeast Lakes Community Forest by removing passage barriers. Of the four sites included in the original proposal (Billy Brown Brook/Shaw St., Amazon Brook/Amazon Rd., Grand Lake Brook/Fourth Lake Rd., and Fourth Lake Trib./Belden Brook Rd), two were completed using NRCS funding received after the initial proposal was submitted to USFWS. As a result, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture funding was used to restore fish passage at two additional sites at South Branch/Little River Rd and Towers Brook/Little River Rd.
Restoring habitat connectivity in Machias and Saint Croix River EBTJV project completion report 2016.pdf
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