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2024 Projects

Five projects that the EBTJV endorsed for FY24 will receive a total of $240,604 in NFHP-FWS funds. These projects exemplify the kinds of science-based conservation and restoration activities that will enhance or restore populations of wild Brook Trout. These projects pull in multiple partners - and over $800,000 in leveraged funds - to ultimately improve fishable populations of Brook Trout by improving cold water habitats, removing barriers to connectivity, and controlling non-native species. They will improve safety for communities, enhance climate resiliency, and add habitat complexity to benefit multiple species. Congratulations to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Project SHARE, The Organization for the Assabet Sudbury and Concord Rivers, and Trout Unlimited

Helicopter-assisted Large Wood Additions, Narraguagus River, TWP 34, ME

This project will add wood complexity to a 0.42-mile reach of the mainstem Narraguagus River.

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Restoring a Brook Trout Metapopulation in Moore Springs Branch, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, NC

This project will remove non-native Rainbow Trout and restore native Brook Trout to a 2.4 mile reach of stream in western NC within Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

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Poplar Lick Run & Big Run Fish Passage Barrier Removal Projects Poplar Lick Run & Big Run, Fairview, MD

Project to replace two passage barriers to improve habitat conditions for eastern brook trout in The Savage River watershed, Maryland.

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Wheeler Pond Dam Removal and North Brook Restoration, Berlin, Massachusetts

This project will support the key pre-construction tasks of obtaining all necessary permits and preparing the 100% engineering design plans necessary to remove the Wheeler Pond dam.

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Small Dam Removal, East Branch North River, Whitingham, VT

The purpose of this project is to restore fish passage, improve stream function, and increase riparian shading in the headwaters of the East Branch North River. Deliverables will include removing 1 dam and associated infrastructure, replanting up to 1 acre of riparian habitat, upsize 1 private driveway culvert.

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