Final Report for Marshall Brook Project
Final Report
Located in
2011 Projects
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
Greene County Park Stream Restoration and Interpretative Trail NFHAP / SARP Project
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
July 2011 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's July 26-27, 2011 in-person meeting.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2011 NFH Board Meetings
Kentucky-Bayou de Chien/Jackson Creek Tributary Restoration Project
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
This project will replace two existing undersized, improperly set round culvert inhibiting fish passage at the road / stream crossing of Marshall Brook with the Seal Cove Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine with an open bottom culvert. This will provide 4 miles of passage and reconnect a historic sea run brook trout stream with the estuary at Bass Harbor.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2011 Projects
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
This project will replace two existing undersized, improperly set round culvert inhibiting fish passage at the road / stream crossing of Marshall Brook with the Seal Cove Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine with an open bottom culvert. This will provide 4 miles of passage and reconnect a historic sea run brook trout stream with the estuary at Bass Harbor.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Northeast Aquatic Connectivity - An Assessment of Dams on Northeastern Rivers
Throughout the Northeast, hundreds of dams have been removed and hundreds of culverts have been replaced or retrofitted over the last two decades in projects where ecological restoration was a goal. To many working in the field of aquatic resource management it is apparent that given likely future constraints on availability of funds and staffing, it will be critical to be more strategic about investments in connectivity restoration projects. One approach to strategic investment is to assess the likely ecological “return on investment” associated with connectivity restoration. In order to complete an assessment at the regional scale, the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) awarded the Nature Conservancy (TNC) a 2007 Regional Conservation Needs (RCN) Grant. This RCN
grant was designed to have TNC support state resource agencies in the Northeast U.S. (fish and wildlife, marine fisheries, dam safety, etc.) in efforts to strategically reconnect fragmented river, stream, coastal, reservoir, lake and estuarine habitat by removing or bypassing key barriers to fish passage. The primary ecological goal of mitigating fish passage barriers is to enhance populations of fish including anadromous fish, coldwater species, and other species of greatest conservation need (SGCN).
Located in
Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
October 2011 NFH Board Meeting Book
This document contains materials associated with the National Fish Habitat Board's October 19-20, 2011 in-person meeting.
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National Fish Habitat Board Meetings
2011 NFH Board Meetings
Port Orange Living Shoreline and Oyster Reef Restoration System
This project, run primarily by the Marine Discovery Center, will increase intertidal shoreline and oyster reefs and vegetation will be planted.
Located in
Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Raccoon Creek Stream Restoration for Imperiled Aquatic Species in lower Etowah River Drainage
This project restored stream areas of Raccoon Creek for imperiled aquatic species in lower Etowah River drainage, Georgia. This project has resulted in several new partnerships, including a collaborative planning workshop for Paulding County held by SARP and the Southeast Watershed Forum.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B