Georgia Stream Crossing Handbook
This handbook is intended to encourage the proper design and implementation of all new stream crossings in Georgia to maintain stream connectivity, improve stream health, provide for public safety, improve water quality, and make communities more resilient. Originally published in 2012, this 2021 update represents the work of 18 authors drawn from State and Federal Agencies, NGOs, academia, and private firms.
Located in
Science and Data
Aquatic Organism Passage I&A and state design guidelines
State Sream Crossing Guidelines
Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation. This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2010 Projects
Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation. This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Jam Black Brook Culvert Replacement, ME_FY12 Project
The goals of the project were: (1) To remove an obstruction to upstream
fish passage for brook trout, Atlantic salmon and other resident and migratory fish. (2) To
restore access to 9.8 miles of stream habitat upstream of the obstruction. (3) To restore natural
sediment and woody debris transport through the crossing site. (4) To improve flood capacity at
the Magog Road crossing, reducing the risk of debris jams or overtopping the road. (5) To
provide a demonstration site in mid‐coast Maine for an appropriate stream crossing developed
in cooperation with the municipality.
Located in
Project Completion Reports
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
This project will replace two existing undersized, improperly set round culvert inhibiting fish passage at the road / stream crossing of Marshall Brook with the Seal Cove Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine with an open bottom culvert. This will provide 4 miles of passage and reconnect a historic sea run brook trout stream with the estuary at Bass Harbor.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2011 Projects
Marshall Brook Culvert Replacement, Hancock County, Maine
This project will replace two existing undersized, improperly set round culvert inhibiting fish passage at the road / stream crossing of Marshall Brook with the Seal Cove Road in Southwest Harbor, Maine with an open bottom culvert. This will provide 4 miles of passage and reconnect a historic sea run brook trout stream with the estuary at Bass Harbor.
Located in
Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Provides technical and financial assistance to landowners to restore wildlife habitat (including riparian, stream, and wetlands restoration)
Located in
The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Wolf Laurel Branch, NC
This project will replace the existing double culverts with a bottomless structure to provide passage for brook trout and native nongame species. Replacement of these culverts will eliminate all artificial barriers within the Sand Creek drainage and reconnect existing populations of southern strain brook trout within approximately 2 miles of suitable habitat.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2012 Projects
Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Wolf Laurel Branch, NC
This project will replace the existing double culverts with a bottomless structure to provide passage for brook trout and native nongame species. Replacement of these culverts will eliminate all artificial barriers within the Sand Creek drainage and reconnect existing populations of southern strain brook trout within approximately 2 miles of suitable habitat.
Located in
Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Restoring habitat connectivity in Machias and Saint Croix River tributary streams, ME_FY11 Project
Through this project, Downeast Lakes Land Trust (DLLT) continued its work with partners to restore brook trout habitat on priority streams within its 55,678-acre Downeast Lakes Community Forest by removing passage barriers. Of the four sites included in the original proposal (Billy Brown Brook/Shaw St., Amazon Brook/Amazon Rd., Grand Lake Brook/Fourth Lake Rd., and Fourth Lake Trib./Belden Brook Rd), two were completed using NRCS funding received after the initial proposal was submitted to USFWS. As a result, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture funding was used to restore fish passage at two additional sites at South Branch/Little River Rd and Towers Brook/Little River Rd.
Located in
Project Completion Reports