Restoration of Riverine Process and Habitat Suitability In the Upper Narraguagus River and Northern Stream Focus Areas (Maine)
This project decreases embeddedness by mobilizing the river bed, increasing sediment sorting; increases the number and depth of pools; increases retention of allochthonous organic material that the aquatic food web relies on; reduces the dead waters and over-widened channels in legacy reservoirs; and, increases cold-water fish population resiliency to climate change.
The project cost is $155,737 and the estimated socioeconomic benefit is $1.6 million.
Located in
2019 Projects
Harvey’s Lake Dam Removal, South Peacham Brook, Barnet, Vermont
Removal of the Harvey's Lake dam improves natural flow regimes, free-flowing river conditions, water quality and temperature, sediment release and transport, and connectivity to 27 miles within the Stevens River watershed. Floodplain restoration and large wood installations provides additional habitat in South Peacham Brook. The project cost is $861,750 and the estimated socioeconomic benefit is $14.7 million.
Located in
2019 Projects
Culvert Replacement and Stream Restoration in Wolfden Run, Garrett County, Maryland
This project, completed in 2021, enhanced 3 miles of in-stream habitat and restored upstream fish passage to 2.76 miles of Brook Trout habitat, reducing habitat fragmentation in the Upper Potomac River watershed. The project cost $189,753 and the estimated socioeconomic benefit is $1.5 million.
Located in
2019 Projects
Mill Creek “Chop and Drop”, WV_FY14 Project
Mostly dead and/or down hemlock trees were utilized to create large woody material inspired habitat structures to increase pool habit, increase thalweg meander length, decrease bankfull width, and introduce overhead fish cover. Cross-vanes, j-hooks, wing-deflectors, toe wood, digger logs, and engineered log jams were constructed. The strategic part of this chop and drop effort was to place and anchor logs to minimize movement in bankfull or high events.
Located in
Project Completion Reports
Green River Enhancement within the Green River WMA, KY
The Green River and Green River Lake and provide aquatic habitat in the Green River Wildlife Management Area. The river is in declining condition due to severe erosion over almost four decades. Its restoration can allow it to support thriving populations of white bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, flathead catfish, walleye, and muskellunge, and provide sport challenges to anglers.
Located in
Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Island Restoration and Habitat Enhancement in Lake Oconee
This project consists of Island restoration and habitat enhancement in Lake Oconee, Georgia.
Located in
Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
2012 Interim Report (up to Sept. 30th)
Report of Activities in FY 2012
Located in
Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Jam Black Brook Culvert Replacement in Searsmont, Maine
2012 Interim Report (up to Sept. 30th)
Report of Activities in FY 2012
Located in
2012 Projects
Jam Black Brook Culvert Replacement in Searsmont, Maine
New Jersey Enhancement
Subwatersheds best for enhancement in New Jersey
Located in
Science and Data
Priority Watershed Maps
Maine Enhancement
Subwatersheds best for enhancement in Maine
Located in
Science and Data
Priority Watershed Maps