Riparian and Stream Habitat Restoration for 14 Species in the Middle Fork Saline River Watershed, AR
This project consisted of riparian and stream habitat restoration for 14 Species in the Middle Fork Saline River Watershed, Arkansas
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Funded Projects
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Riparian habitat restoration for listed freshwater mussels in the Ochlockonee River Basin GA/FL
This project will restore riparian habitat for listed freshwater mussels in the Ochlockonee River Basin, within Georgia and Florida.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
South Carolina conservation funding and technical assistance
A collection of links and information about cost-share programs, grants, technical assistance, and other resources for protecting and improving watersheds and in stream habitat in South Carolina.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
St. Catherine Creek Aquatic Habitat Assessment in support of GCPO LCC
This project will assess habitat in St. Catherine Creek, Mississippi, in support of GCPO LCC.
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St. Catherine Creek Biological Monitoring in support of Landscape Model Development
The Pvt. John Allen National Fish Hatchery, the Baton Rouge Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Office and the Gulf Coast Plains/Ozark Landscape Conservation
Cooperative (GCPO LCC) are partnering to develop a proactive approach in identifying problem areas and delivering aquatic habitat restoration actions, on the ground, before the problems reach an irresolvable level. This joint effort is already in the full process of data collection and evaluation to develop a spatially explicit model of aquatic habitats found on the St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge in MS. The full spectrum of biological needs for both of the alligator gar, paddlefish, and other floodplain dependent species are found in this floodplain. The existing project is already developing remote sensing capacity to characterize all aquatic habitats found in this interior floodplain in terms of the biological needs of aquatic species. In addition, data on bathymetry, water quality parameters, flood frequency and duration periods and vegetative types are being collected in order to accurately portray and verify habitat characteristics in the spatial model. Hydro acoustic and side scan imaging will be utilized in order to deliver the highest quality data available to resource managers at the present. Quantitative biological information is necessary to complete the suite of data for the model. Abundance and distribution of selected fish needs to be collected in conjunction with environmental data in order to adequately characterize the importance of various physicochemical conditions to aquatic life. This project will collect those data on St Catherine Creek NMR. This project is currently on-going.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Stony Creek (VA) Riparian Restoration and Stream Habitat Improvement
This projected will restore stream and riparian habitat within Stony Creek, located in the state of Virginia.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Stream Bank & Riparian Restoration along the Wild and Scenic Cossatot River on the Ouachita NF
Six riparian sites have severe erosion from loss of riparian vegetation and heavy recreational use. Riparian habitat function will be restored by stabilizing stream banks and planting vegetation. Stream habitat cover will increase with addition of materials to repair stream banks. Campsites will be designated and hardened. To measure effectiveness, water samples taken every 3 months over the past 4 years will continue for at least the next 4 years by the Cossatot River Watch Stream Team to compare pre- and post-restoration.
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Funded Projects
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Tampa Bay Seagrass Transplanting Project
This project is a seagrass transplanting project within Tampa Bay, Florida.
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Funded Projects
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Trout Unlimited's Land Conservancy Fund
Local Trout Unlimited chapters apply for grants to conserve land in partnership with private landowners and land trusts.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Landowner Resources
Ulele Springs Restoration Project
This project, run by the Ecosphere Restoration Institute, Inc, will create a natural spring and restore native wetland vegetation within the state of Florida.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B