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Restoring Browns Run Fish Passage, Barr Township, Pennsylvania
This project will open the headwaters of Browns Run, a tributary to the West Branch of the Susquehana River, to native brook trout passage and improve Browns Run brook trout habitat. One dam will be removed on Browns Run to open 1 mile of habitat and reconnect currently fragmented native brook trout populations in the headwaters of the basin.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Expanding Brook Trout in Willow Creek, Pennsylvania
This project will expand suitable habitat in Willow Creek located within Blandon, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Willow Creek is a coldwater fishery that supports one of the most productive wild brook trout populations in the state. This project will restore fish habitat and stream bank stabilization by implementing in-stream habitat enhancement devices in over 5000 feet of the creek. Additionally, over 6 acres of floodplain will be re-vegetated with native trees and shrubs. Local stocking efforts will be shifted to other nearby streams. The project also include an outreach component. Kiosks will be constructed to commemorate the effort and educate future generations. Pamphlets will be distributed to interested citizens.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
South Branch of Kinzua Creek Acid Precipitation Remediation Project, Pennsylvania
This project is a design/construct/implementation/research project located in Allegheny National Forest, in Hamlin and Wetmore Townships, McKean County that when completed will restore water quality and reestablish recruitment of brook trout within approximately 5 miles of stream. Three acid precipitation impaired tributaries of the South Branch of Kinzua Creek will be treated and restored in concert with routine Forest Service road maintenance by constructing innovative passive treatment systems that will supply buffering capacity to the watershed via the roads stormwater management facility.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Restoring Habitat Connectivity in the Bob's Creek Watershed, Pennsylvania
The purpose of this project is to improve brook trout habitat connectivity in the Bobbs Creek watershed on the Allegheny National Forest. To accomplish this, two road crossings will be replaced with single open-bottom culverts. Also, this project will reduce flooding potential on the USFS road 116 and reduce the delivery of sediment to the stream through improved surfacing of the road.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Wallacks Branch of Bob's Creek Fish Habitat Improvement Project
This project will remove five jack dams and install five single or multi- log vanes. Removal of the jack dams will provide improve fish migration and impact seven miles of stream. The construction of the log vanes will ensure that the trout have suitable habitat to thrive.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Habitat Enhancement Project for Brook Trout in the Asaph Run Watershed, Pennsylvania
The Asaph Run watershed has a high recreational use potential and is a popular stream with wild trout anglers. The project is located entirely on state forest land, open to free, year-round public use. The watershed has excellent public access via a state forest road that parallels much of the stream. However, the close proximity of the road to the stream has also resulted in problems including stream bank erosion and habitat degradation. Degraded brook trout habitat will be rehabilitated throughout a 3 mile stream reach. The project will be a significant long-term benefit to the watershed through enhancement of adult brook trout habitat and stabilization of the stream banks.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
South Fork Little Conemaugh River Brook Trout Renewal, Pennsylvania
Deep mining activities along the stream have resulted in chronic AMD into the stream. AMD along with acid deposition have depressed the brook trout and aquatic life in this 4 mile stretch due to low pH, high aluminum, and low alkalinity. The objective of this project is to mitigate the sources of the AMD with limestone beds and mitigate the acid deposition with limestone sand dosing. Restoring the pH and alkalinity regime will allow for a renewed brook trout population and overall aquatic life restoration along 4 miles of stream.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Catawissa Creek AMD Restoration, Pennsylvania
An historic mine water discharge tunnel draining a deep mine is contributing 80 percent of the pollution load of acid and aluminum impairing Catawissa Creek. The objective of this project is to complete a limestone mitigation project that will treat the source of AMD and restore the pH regime of the stream. The project will enable the return of extirpated brook trout to 36 miles of the main stem of the Catawissa Creek. It will also reconnect the entire watershed including more than two dozen tributaries, many of which are not impaired and have healthy brook trout populations.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
South Sandy Creek Restoration, Williams Run, Pennsylvania
The partnership will restore Williams Run so that it can support life, with lime treatments in the short term and by constructing a limestone bed system to passively treat acid mine drainage for the long term. Tributaries flowing into Williams Run currently support healthy populations of wild brook trout. This project will allow currently isolated populations of native brook trout to return to the main stem of Williams Run, connecting them and expanding their range. These water quality improvements on private property will benefit stream habitat downstream on State Forest Lands. The landowners have committed to allowing public fishing in this area greatly expanding the brook trout fishing opportunities in western Pennsylvania.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects
Cross Fork Stream Stabilization, Kettle Creek, Pennsylvania
A remarkable potential exists for the successful improvement of habitat to benefit native brook trout populations within Cross Fork through the support of private and public landowners. Immediate habitat improvements can be obtained by means of low impact, habitat enhancement techniques proposed for the project. These include hand placement of log vanes, rootwads, log cross vanes, and mudsills throughout the project reach not only providing habitat, but also assisting the stream in stabilization over time (5-10years). When complete the project will enhance approximately 3.5 miles of habitat impaired stream. Cross Fork does support a resident population of native brook trout that began showing a decrease in population in the last 6-10 years. This is attributed to the loss of quality adult trout habitat and spawning areas as noted by the PA Fish and Boat Commission reports. Recently, due to the decline in trout populations the PA Fish and Boat Commission, has changed the regulation of the stream to a stock trout fishery. It is hoped that habitat restoration efforts will return the population back to self-sustaining.
Located in Funded Projects / EBTJV Projects