Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts
The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation. This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Harpeth River Restoration
As part of a jointly funded project via the National Fish Passage Program, the totality of this project is removing a lowhead dam and restoring the immediate area to riffle/run habitat for the benefit of improved water quality and native fish habitat in the Harpeth River, TN.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Hathaway Brook Dam Removal and Stream Restoration in MA
The primary goal of this project is to restore natural stream conditions and stream connectivity within Hathaway Brook, thereby enhancing habitat value for existing aquatic species. One barrier will be removed, restoring access to 3,000 feet of stream. The project will reestablish continuous flow and natural sediment transport regimes, and restore geomorphic processes within the channel.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2010 Projects
Hathaway Brook Dam Removal and Stream Restoration in MA
The primary goal of this project is to restore natural stream conditions and stream connectivity within Hathaway Brook, thereby enhancing habitat value for existing aquatic species. One barrier will be removed, restoring access to 3,000 feet of stream. The project will reestablish continuous flow and natural sediment transport regimes, and restore geomorphic processes within the channel.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
Hydrologic restoration of coastal wetlands on North Carolina’s Albemarle- Pamlico Peninsula
This project, lead by the Nature Conservancy's North Carolina Chapter, will restore hydrology and reverse saltwater intrusion into wetlands by replacing an inadequate water control structure and plug canals in the Albemarle-Pamlico Peninsula.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Improved Recreational Fishing Through Community-based Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration, North Shore Eagle Point Oyster Restoration - Phase I and II
Oyster beds serve unique roles in estuaries, yet they are highly susceptible to over-harvesting, diseases and pollution. In addition to having both recreational and commercial value, oyster beds provide ecological benefits such as filtration and habitat for numerous species of invertebrates, fish, and plants.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Improved Red Drum Habitat through Community-based Oyster Reef Habitat Restoration
Little has been attempted to improve the habitat to ensure survival of stocked red drum fingerlings in SC waters This project will create additional oyster reefs in stocking areas. The impact will be many fold as other organisms will utilize the habitat and oyster population and water quality improvements will be recognized. Patches of hard substrate and 3-D reefs will be created in stocking areas, thus establishing quality habitat for red drum at this early life stage.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
Improving Management of Seagrass Resources through Restoration and Assessment
Lead by the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough City, this project will manage seagrass beds through creating a poll n troll zone to reduce seabed scaring, as well as testing different grass restore methods.
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Funded Projects
SARP Projects W2B
In-Stream Habitat Restoration in the Meduxnekeag Watershed, Maine
This project will restore 1.9 miles of habitat on the Meduxnekeag River mainstem and 0.25 miles of habitat on its north branch for brook trout within trust land for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians. The project will return the river to a more natural, sustainable state of in-stream habitat complexity, increase brook trout habitat quality, and promote interest in future restoration activities.
Located in
2006 - 2018 Projects
2013 Projects
In-Stream Habitat Restoration in the Meduxnekeag Watershed, Maine
This project will restore 1.9 miles of habitat on the Meduxnekeag River mainstem and 0.25 miles of habitat on its north branch for brook trout within trust land for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians. The project will return the river to a more natural, sustainable state of in-stream habitat complexity, increase brook trout habitat quality, and promote interest in future restoration activities.
Located in
Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects