Bringing Back the Brooks - a Revival of the South's Trout
A poetic look at a forgotten native of Appalachia, the Southern Appalachian Brook Trout, which is being brought back from the brink… by hand, bucket, and hoof. Featuring biologists from the US Forest Service, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and volunteers from Trout Unlimited and Boy Scout Troop 116.
9 min. Closed Captioned in English & Spanish. Produced by Freshwaters Illustrated in Partnership with the US Forest Service, and with cooperation from Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
Conservation planning at the intersection of landscape and climate change: brook trout in the Chesapeake Bay watershed
We developed a multi-scale conservation planning framework for brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) within the Chesapeake Bay watershed that incorporates both land use and climate stressors. Our specific objectives were to (1) construct a continuous spatial model of brook trout distribution and habitat quality at the stream reach scale; (2) characterize brook trout vulnerability to climate change under a range of future climate scenarios; and (3) identify multi-scale restoration and protection priorities for brook trout across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Boosted regression tree analysis predicted brook trout occurrence at the stream reach scale with a high degree of accuracy (CV AUC = 0.92) as a function of both natural (e.g., water temperature and precipitation) and anthropogenic (e.g., agriculture and urban development) landscape and climatic attributes. Current land use activities result in a predicted loss of occurrence in over 11,000 stream segments (40% of suitable habitat) and account for over 15,000 km (45% of current value) of lost functional brook trout fishery value (i.e., length-weighted occurrence probability) in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Climate change (increased ambient temperatures and altered precipitation) is projected to result in a loss of occurrence in at least 3000 additional segments (19% of current value) and at least 3000 km of functional fishery value (9% of current value) by 2062. Model outcomes were used to identify low- and high-quality stream segments within relatively intact and degraded sub-watersheds as restoration and protection priorities, respectively, and conservation priorities were targeted in watersheds with high projected resilience to climate change. Our results suggest that traditional restoration activities, such as habitat enhancement, riparian management, and barrier removal, may be able to recover a substantial amount of brook trout habitat lost to historic landscape change. However, restoration efforts must be designed within the context of expected impacts from climate change or those efforts may not produce long-term benefits to brook trout in this region.
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Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
From the Field: Linking Land and Water in Brook Trout Conservation from Chesapeake Bay Program
Check out this great video that the Chesapeake Bay Program produced showcasing a brook trout restoration project in West Virginia.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
Matt Kulp talks about restoration projects
Video of Matt Kulp, Supervisory fishery biologist with the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and EBTJV steering committee member, presenting a summary of brook trout restoration efforts to date. Presentation was given at the 2022 annual meeting of EBTJV at the National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, WV and virtually.
"Restoration of Brook Trout across Their Native Range Using Fish Toxicants and Electrofishing: Are We Successful Ecologically and Socially?"
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News & Events
Native Brook Trout Restoration, Haywood County North Carolina
This video shows NC WRC biologists spending the day restoring native Brook Trout to headwaters in Haywood County, NC.
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The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
Restoring Wild Brook Trout to Passage Creek, VA
Video: DGIF biologists team up with Trout Unlimited and the US Forest Service to reintroduce Brook Trout to the headwaters of Passage Creek.
Located in
The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery
TU EBT importance
A fifteen minute video, produced by Trout Unlimited, on why brook trout are an important variable within aquatic habitats and why they are referred to as "the canary in the coal mine". This video is a great demonstration of why brook trout are important to you and me.
Located in
The Story of Wild Brook Trout
Brook Trout Video and Webinar Gallery