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From FY 2006 through FY 2024, the US Fish and Wildlife Service allocated $4.3 million to the EBTJV in support of 107 on the ground brook trout conservation projects, while project partners contributed $23 million, which equates to a 5:1 ratio of partner to Service funds. Over the same period, the FWS allocated an additional $1.2M to 18 EBTJV operational, outreach, and assessment grants. Hundreds of organizations have been involved in these projects, including NGOs, state agencies, federal agencies, watershed groups, indigenous tribes, businesses, educational institutions, and local governments. These projects have removed 120 barriers, reconnected 453 miles of stream, and enhanced or restored 359 acres of riparian habitat.

EBTJV Funding Opportunities

Each year, the Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture requests project proposals that are focused on conserving and restoring habitat that will support healthy and productive populations of wild Brook Trout.

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2024 Projects

2024 Projects

Five projects that the EBTJV endorsed for FY24 will receive a total of $240,604 in NFHP-FWS funds. These projects exemplify the kinds of science-based conservation and restoration activities that will enhance or restore populations of wild Brook Trout. These projects pull in multiple partners - and over $800,000 in leveraged funds - to ultimately improve fishable populations of Brook Trout by improving cold water habitats, removing barriers to connectivity, and controlling non-native species. They will improve safety for communities, enhance climate resiliency, and add habitat complexity to benefit multiple species. Congratulations to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Project SHARE, The Organization for the Assabet Sudbury and Concord Rivers, and Trout Unlimited

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2023 Projects

In FY23, NFHAP and FWS supported four conservation projects for brook trout. These include a dam removal opening 25 miles, a project to advance steps to treat AMD in a Pennsylvania watershed, a culvert replacement to open 14 miles of stream, and a project to complete post-construction maintenance and riparian plantings on a stream in New York. These were supported with $150,037 in FWS funds and $2,546,902 in partner funds.

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2022 Projects

2022 Projects

The National Fish Habitat Partnership, with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, funded $172,598 across four on-the ground projects. These projects bring an additional $815,726 in partner contributions for a partner:NFHAP ratio of 4.7:1. The projects will remove 3 barriers, reconnect 28 upstream miles, and improve 0.4 miles of stream. January 2023 update: the Narraguagus project has been completed, and the Blue Lick Run culvert has been replaced with a fish friendly span; demonstration tours are being planned.

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2021 Projects

2021 Projects

Through the National Fish Habitat Partnership Program, the Fish and Wildlife Service funded $173,333 across three habitat projects. These projects bring an additional $669,887 in partner contributions for a partner:NFHAP ratio of 3.86:1. These projects reconnect stream miles and reduce sedimentation in NC, TN, and ME.

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2020 Projects

2020 Projects

These projects removed three barriers, opened 30.8 miles of stream, enhanced 5 miles of stream habitat, preserved genetic diversity, and enhanced recreational fishing. These projects brought in $1.28M in partner funds, and provided an estimated 19.4M in socioeconomic benefits.

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2019 Projects

2019 Projects

This folder contains information on the three habitat projects funded in FY19. Collectively these projects will remove 2 fish passage barriers to reconnect 29.8 miles of habitat and enhance 3 miles of in-stream habitat for wild Brook Trout. These projects were funded by the EBTJV and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for $108,550. An additional $1,085,487 in partner contributions are expected. The estimated socioeconomic value of these projects is $17.8 million.

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Project Completion Reports

This folder contains project completion reports that were submitted by the principal investigator(s) for those Brook Trout conservation projects that received EBTJV/FWS-NFHAP funding support.

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Federal infrastructure funding

Aquatic infrastructure programs under the BIL.

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IIJA Programs

IIJA Programs

Excel file of funding programs under the IIJA/BIF

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Slides from July 2022 Fish Passage summit

pdf with the PowerPoint presentations from the speakers at the workshop

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Official summary from the FWS Fish Passage Summit

Please find attached the workshop proceedings from Partner Workshop: Fish Passage through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that took place at the National Conservation and Training Center from July 18-20. The document includes the following: Overview of each of the sessions and speakers on Day One and summary of post session discussion. Detailed brainstorming from all the breakout sessions on Day Two Synthesis and discussion from Day Three Meeting Agenda List of Attendees (in person and virtual) These are not decisional documents, rather a synthesis of information, ideas, and perspectives. We hope it will serve as a reference document to support all our efforts into the future.

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