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You are here: Home / Projects / 2006 - 2018 Projects / 2010 Projects / Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts

Hamant Brook Culvert Replacement, Old Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts

The two leading causes of brook trout habitat degradation in Massachusetts have been identified through the EBTJV as fragmentation by dams and roads. The subwatershed containing Hamant Brook was identified as high impact from dam fragmentation and medium impact from road fragmentation.

This project will remove three dams and one impassable culvert, allowing access from mainstem habitat to a coldwater tributary and converting 70% of the project area from impounded to free-flowing. Once complete, the project will open nearly 8 miles of habitat and provide access to more diverse free flowing and coldwater habitats for brook trout and riverine fish species.

Dam removed from Hamant Brook in Massachusetts, as part of a 2010 project. 8 miles of stream were re-opened.

Photo of the dam to be removed on Hamant Brook in Massachusetts

Photo of the perched culvert to be replaced on Hamant Brook in Massachusetts.

Photo of the perched culvert to be replaced on Hamant Brook in Massachusetts.

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