Restoring Connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream Watersheds, Maine
Subwatersheds of the Androscoggin River contain some of the finest intact and healthy brook trout habitat in the state of Maine. This project will remove two fish passage barriers providing a total of six miles of connectivity in the Sunday River and Martin Stream subwatersheds.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
SARP projects for W2B Science discussion 25Oct2013
Summary of SARP Science and Data projects as presented to Whitewater Bluewater partners on October 25, 2013.
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Scott Brook Fish Passage Project, Maine
This project will replace an undersized and failing stream crossing on Scott Brook, a wild brook trout stream, with an open bottom arch culvert. Once complete, the project will restore access from Big Lake to approximately 3 miles of stream habitat for brook trout and other native species.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2013 Projects
St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia
The streams of the Saint Mary's Wilderness, located on the slopes of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, have been severely compromised by anthropogenic atmospheric acid deposition. This project will add limestone sand using to the headwater streams of St. Mary's River to enhance over 12 miles of stream for brook trout.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2013 Projects
St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia
The streams of the Saint Mary's Wilderness, located on the slopes of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, have been severely compromised by anthropogenic atmospheric acid deposition. This project will add limestone sand using to the headwater streams of St. Mary's River to enhance over 12 miles of stream for brook trout.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
The Importance of Scale: Assessing and Predicting Brook Trout Status in its Southern Native Range
Occupancy models are of increasing interest to managers and natural resource decision makers. Assessment of status and trends, as well as the specific drivers influencing occupancy, both may change as a function of scale, and analyses conducted at multiple scales can help identify important mechanisms leading to changes in distributions. We analyzed extensive fine-scale occupancy data across the southern historic range of the brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis to determine which landscape metrics and thresholds were useful in predicting brook trout presence across three relevant spatial scales and how brook trout occupancy varied by scale. Percentage occupancy declined markedly with increased spatial resolution, as 52% of watersheds (HUC10) but only 32% of subwatersheds (HUC12) and 14% of catchments (HUC14) were occupied. Across all three scales, habitats which were exclusively occupied by native brook trout (without non-native trout) were rare (<10%). CART models using GIS-derived landscape predictor variables were developed for three classification cases: Case 1:(brook trout; no brook trout), Case 2 (brook trout; non-native trout only; no trout), and Case 3 (brook trout only; brook and non-native trout; non-native trout only and no trout). Model results were sensitive to both scale and the number of classification categories with respect to classification accuracy, variable selection and variable threshold values. Classification accuracy tended to be lowest at the finest (catchment) scale potentially reflecting stochastic population processes and barriers to movement. Classification rates for the overall models were: Case 1: Watershed (80.19%); Subwatershed (85.06%); Catchment (71.13%); Case 2: Watershed (69.31%); Subwatershed (68.72%); Catchment (57.38%); Case 3: Watershed (58.91%); Subwatershed (59.83%); Catchment (47.59%). Our multiscale approach revealed soil permeability (positive) and atmospheric pollution (negative) to be important predictors. The predicted occupancy and observed status of brook trout appear to be influenced by the scale the data are collected and reported.
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Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
Upper White River Habitat Restoration, VT
This project will address flood and flood recovery related habitat modifications on four tributaries to the Upper White River in Rochester, Vermont by utilizing active in-stream management and design; establishing riparian buffers; and removing barriers to fish passage in order to restore brook trout habitat and the natural hydrologic regime. When complete, the project will result in the protection and enhancement of 2.75 miles of in-stream habitat and over 30 acres of floodplain and riparian habitat on the West Branch as well as 8.1 miles of in-stream habitat in Howe, Marsh, and Nason Brooks.
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2006 - 2018 Projects
2013 Projects
Upper White River Habitat Restoration, VT
This project will address flood and flood recovery related habitat modifications on four tributaries to the Upper White River in Rochester, Vermont by utilizing active instream management and design; establishing riparian buffers; and removing barriers to fish passage in order to restore brook trout habitat and the natural hydrologic regime. When complete, the project will result in the protection and enhancement of 2.75 miles of in-stream habtiat and over 30 acres of floodplain and riparian habitat on the West Branch as well as 8.1 miles of in-stream habtiat in Howe, Marsh, and Nason Brooks.
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Funded Projects
EBTJV Projects
What predicts the use by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) of terrestrial invertebrate subsidies in headwater streams?
1. Spatial subsidies are important resources for organisms in receiving habitats, particularly when production in those habitats is low. Terrestrial invertebrates provide a critical subsidy for trout, including eastern brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), but we have limited understanding of what
causes input and use of these subsidies to vary among streams.
2. We predicted that forest successional stage would be an especially important driver of variation in terrestrial invertebrate subsidies to brook trout in headwater streams due to differences in terrestrial invertebrate biomass in early and late successional habitats. Specifically, we expected biomass of aerial invertebrates, those capable of dispersal to the stream, to be greater in early successional habitat than late successional habitat due to the nutrient-rich, herbaceous vegetation typical of early successional habitat.
3. We measured aerial terrestrial invertebrate biomass in early and late successional habitats, input to streams and use by resident brook trout in 12 first- and second-order catchments in northern New Hampshire, U.S.A. The study catchments represented a range of early successional habitat coverage (0–51.5%). We also measured a suite of reach-scale variables that might influence terrestrial invertebrate input and use by brook trout, including riparian forest conditions and benthic invertebrate biomass.
4. Within study catchments, aerial terrestrial invertebrate biomass and abundance were significantly higher in early successional habitats than late successional habitats. However, terrestrial invertebrate input to streams and use by brook trout were unrelated to per cent early successional habitat in the catchment, and to other catchment and riparian forest characteristics. These results indicate that the management for upland early successional habitat has little effect on terrestrial invertebrate subsidies to headwater streams and fish.
5. Surprisingly, benthic invertebrate biomass was the one significant predictor of per cent terrestrial invertebrates in brook trout diets. Use of terrestrial invertebrate subsidies declined with increasing benthic invertebrate biomass, suggesting that productivity in the aquatic environment influences the degree to which brook trout use terrestrial subsidies. Although subsidy inputs are controlled by the donor system, this study shows that use of these subsidies by consumers can be determined by conditions in the recipient habitat.
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Science and Data
Brook Trout Related Publications
Whitewater to Bluewater Science Call #1 Notes
Notes from the first Whitewater to Bluewater Science Call, held on October 25, 2013, during which each partnership presented an overview of their science projects.
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